Kishkindha Kaandam is a 2024 Malayalam-language mystery thriller directed by Dinjith Ayyathan. The film is set in the Kallepathi reserve forest, a village inhabited by monkeys, where strange occurrences prompt a newlywed couple and forest officials to investigate the root of these disturbances. The story focuses on Appupilla, an ex-military officer, his son Ajayachandran, a forest officer, and Ajay's new wife, who begins uncovering family secrets linked to mysterious events. As they dive deeper into the investigation, they discover hidden truths involving a missing firearm and a dark family past, all while a monkey holding the missing gun adds to the intrigue.
The movie stars Asif Ali, Vijayaraghavan, and Aparna Balamurali, and combines elements of mystery and family drama, making it a compelling watch for fans of thrillers!
The movie stars Asif Ali, Vijayaraghavan, and Aparna Balamurali, and combines elements of mystery and family drama, making it a compelling watch for fans of thrillers!