The highly anticipated sequel Pushpa 2: The Rule continues the story of Pushpa Raj, a day laborer who rose to power within the red sandalwood smuggling empire. In this second installment, Pushpa’s rule faces new threats from formidable enemies and relentless police officer Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat, who is determined to bring him down. This sets the stage for intense confrontations and a fierce battle for power, where loyalty and survival are put to the test.
With Allu Arjun reprising his role as Pushpa, the film promises high-stakes action, emotional depth, and a compelling portrayal of a man fighting to hold onto his empire. Packed with suspense and drama, Pushpa 2: The Rule is set to be an epic experience for fans of Indian cinema.
Times of India : Allu Arjun starrer all Set to Break All Records
Koimoi : Pushpa 2 storm is arriving. It is the most anticipated film in India
Times of India : Pushpa2 Crosses USD 300.000 presale a month prior to release
With Allu Arjun reprising his role as Pushpa, the film promises high-stakes action, emotional depth, and a compelling portrayal of a man fighting to hold onto his empire. Packed with suspense and drama, Pushpa 2: The Rule is set to be an epic experience for fans of Indian cinema.
Times of India : Allu Arjun starrer all Set to Break All Records
Koimoi : Pushpa 2 storm is arriving. It is the most anticipated film in India
Times of India : Pushpa2 Crosses USD 300.000 presale a month prior to release