Welcome to Queer LAB-1 Movie Night, this time we will present you ''Drive-Away Dolls"!
Every month you can expect a surprising LGBTQ+ related new or classic film. Take a drink and chill with friends before and after the movie.
20:45 Have a Pink Drink & chill
21.30 Start film
23.00 End of the film
23.00 Have another drink and socialize
"Ethan Coen’s Drive-Away Dolls Is An LGBT Movie That Isn’t About ‘The Pain Of Being Gay. It’s a lesbian road movie, a crime caper with its foot on the gas, packed with colourful characters’"
"The film originated with an idea Cooke had around 20 years ago, and a small amount of rewriting took place from an earlier scripted version – though it’s still set in the 1990s. “We had written it as a lesbian movie, and the queer world is a lot broader now, so we felt it would be dated if we made it more contemporary,” she explains. “Also, it’s a caper where people can’t necessarily connect, so we didn’t want there to be smartphones, that kind of thing. Back then we wanted to make a genre movie, because we lacked those in the LGBT world. There really weren’t a lot of comedies for the queer world; still aren’t.” - Read more on Empire.
Written by Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke, this comedy caper follows Jamie, an uninhibited free spirit bemoaning yet another breakup with a girlfriend, and her demure friend Marian who desperately needs to loosen up. In search of a fresh start, the two embark on an impromptu road trip to Tallahassee, but things quickly go awry when they cross paths with a group of inept criminals along the way. Directed by Ethan Coen.
The film is English spoken with Dutch subtitles.
In deze humoristische film, geschreven door Ethan Coen en Tricia Cooke, maken we kennis met Jamie, een onbevangen vrije geest die klaagt over de zoveelste relatiebreuk met een vriendin, en haar terughoudende vriendin Marian, die nodig eens wat losser moet worden. Op zoek naar een nieuwe start, beginnen de twee vriendinnen aan een geïmproviseerde roadtrip naar Tallahassee. Maar het gaat al snel mis als ze onderweg een groep stuntelende criminelen tegenkomen.
The Queer Film Night is supported by Proud ASML.
Every month you can expect a surprising LGBTQ+ related new or classic film. Take a drink and chill with friends before and after the movie.
20:45 Have a Pink Drink & chill
21.30 Start film
23.00 End of the film
23.00 Have another drink and socialize
"Ethan Coen’s Drive-Away Dolls Is An LGBT Movie That Isn’t About ‘The Pain Of Being Gay. It’s a lesbian road movie, a crime caper with its foot on the gas, packed with colourful characters’"
"The film originated with an idea Cooke had around 20 years ago, and a small amount of rewriting took place from an earlier scripted version – though it’s still set in the 1990s. “We had written it as a lesbian movie, and the queer world is a lot broader now, so we felt it would be dated if we made it more contemporary,” she explains. “Also, it’s a caper where people can’t necessarily connect, so we didn’t want there to be smartphones, that kind of thing. Back then we wanted to make a genre movie, because we lacked those in the LGBT world. There really weren’t a lot of comedies for the queer world; still aren’t.” - Read more on Empire.
Written by Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke, this comedy caper follows Jamie, an uninhibited free spirit bemoaning yet another breakup with a girlfriend, and her demure friend Marian who desperately needs to loosen up. In search of a fresh start, the two embark on an impromptu road trip to Tallahassee, but things quickly go awry when they cross paths with a group of inept criminals along the way. Directed by Ethan Coen.
The film is English spoken with Dutch subtitles.
In deze humoristische film, geschreven door Ethan Coen en Tricia Cooke, maken we kennis met Jamie, een onbevangen vrije geest die klaagt over de zoveelste relatiebreuk met een vriendin, en haar terughoudende vriendin Marian, die nodig eens wat losser moet worden. Op zoek naar een nieuwe start, beginnen de twee vriendinnen aan een geïmproviseerde roadtrip naar Tallahassee. Maar het gaat al snel mis als ze onderweg een groep stuntelende criminelen tegenkomen.
The Queer Film Night is supported by Proud ASML.