"Ibbani Tabbida Ileyali" is a 2024 Kannada romantic drama directed by Chandrajith Belliappa. The film centers around Siddharth (played by Vihan), a young businessman who finds himself caught between two women: his former love Anahita (Ankita Amar) and Radha (Mayuri Nataraja), whom he is set to marry. The story delves into themes of love, memory, and emotional conflict, particularly as Siddharth grapples with unresolved feelings from his past relationship with Anahita while preparing for a future with Radha.
The film uses a slow-burn narrative, with poetic storytelling and rich visual symbolism, creating an emotional journey through love's complexities. Set against the backdrop of beautiful locales, the film explores Siddharth’s internal struggle as he is torn between his past and present
The film uses a slow-burn narrative, with poetic storytelling and rich visual symbolism, creating an emotional journey through love's complexities. Set against the backdrop of beautiful locales, the film explores Siddharth’s internal struggle as he is torn between his past and present