Шинэсайхан Үүлэнсондор хоёр Хүслэн гэх ганц хүүгийн хамт амьдардаг жаргалтай нэгэн гэр бүл юм. Үүлэнсондор уран зураач бөгөөд урландаа өдөрийн ихэнх цагыг өнгөрөөдөг. Хэр их хугацааг тэнд өнгөрөөж байх даа гэр бүлээ орихсоно оо үл анзаарна. Харин энэ хугацаанд Шинэсайхан Аялгуу гэх бүсгүйтэй учирна. Яг энэ асуудлыг Үүлэнсондор мэдэх агшинтай зэрэгцэн Үүлэнсондор эдгэшгүй өвчтэй гэдгээ мэдсэнээр асуудал илүү үүснэ. Гэвч Үүлэнсондор нөхөр хүүхдээ зовоож, эдгэшгүй өвчинд амьдарлаа үрж хоосон үлдээхгүй нь тулд өөрийн өвчнийг бүхнээс нууна. Эцсийн бүлэгт Шинэсайхныг насан туршын шанлалд үлдээх болно.
Shinsaikhan and Uulensondor are a happy family living with their only son, Khuslen. Uülensondor is an artist and spends most of the day in his studio. No matter how much time you spend there, you will not notice that you have left your family. But during this time, he meets a girl named Shinisaikhan Ayalgu. At the same time as Uulensondor finds out about this problem, the problem will arise when Uulensondor learns that he has an incurable disease. But Uulensondor hides her illness from everyone in order not to let her husband suffer her child and waste her life with an incurable disease. In the final chapter, Shinisaikh will be left with lifelong pain.
Tickets for sale at the door before the start of the film.
Shinsaikhan and Uulensondor are a happy family living with their only son, Khuslen. Uülensondor is an artist and spends most of the day in his studio. No matter how much time you spend there, you will not notice that you have left your family. But during this time, he meets a girl named Shinisaikhan Ayalgu. At the same time as Uulensondor finds out about this problem, the problem will arise when Uulensondor learns that he has an incurable disease. But Uulensondor hides her illness from everyone in order not to let her husband suffer her child and waste her life with an incurable disease. In the final chapter, Shinisaikh will be left with lifelong pain.
Tickets for sale at the door before the start of the film.