New York '87. De 17-jarige David woont met zijn ouders en grootvader in Brighton Beach, een wijk met veel Russische immigranten van Joodse afkomst . Hij helpt regelmatig bij Joodse gebedsgemeenschappen (“minjans”) wat allemaal als vanzelfsprekend wordt beschouwd. David, die zijn homoseksualiteit aan het ontdekken is, begint de strikte regels van zijn Joodse gemeenschap steeds meer beknellend te vinden. Hij raakt bevriend met een ouder vriendenstel met liberalere opvattingen en begint het leven in de uitgaansscene in East Village te verkennen,.
New York '87. David, 17, lives with his parents and grandfather in Brighton Beach, a neighborhood with many Russian immigrants of Jewish descent. He regularly assists in Jewish congregations ("minjans") which are all taken for granted. David, who is discovering his homosexuality, begins to find the strict rules of his Jewish community more and more restrictive. He befriends an older couple with more liberal views and begins to explore life in the East Village nightlife scene.
Queer Movie Night:
Welcome to our new Monthly Queernight. Sponsored by ASML and supported by Pink ASML , DayDayGay and Queerhoven.
Every month you can expect a surprising new LHBT+ related film. Before the film we have an introduction by Brendan Vos (DayDayGay) and after the film we can chill out in our bar / club space until the night finishes.
At 14th of January we present you Minyan.
On 11th of February we will show you Anne+ (English Subtitled)
21.00 Walkin
21.20 Introduction & Start film
23.30 End of film, discussion and drinks
Corona Measures:
Curious about our corona measures? You can check them here.
New York '87. David, 17, lives with his parents and grandfather in Brighton Beach, a neighborhood with many Russian immigrants of Jewish descent. He regularly assists in Jewish congregations ("minjans") which are all taken for granted. David, who is discovering his homosexuality, begins to find the strict rules of his Jewish community more and more restrictive. He befriends an older couple with more liberal views and begins to explore life in the East Village nightlife scene.
Queer Movie Night:
Welcome to our new Monthly Queernight. Sponsored by ASML and supported by Pink ASML , DayDayGay and Queerhoven.
Every month you can expect a surprising new LHBT+ related film. Before the film we have an introduction by Brendan Vos (DayDayGay) and after the film we can chill out in our bar / club space until the night finishes.
At 14th of January we present you Minyan.
On 11th of February we will show you Anne+ (English Subtitled)
21.00 Walkin
21.20 Introduction & Start film
23.30 End of film, discussion and drinks
Corona Measures:
Curious about our corona measures? You can check them here.