Part of Ukraine: "Culture for Hope" Charity festival
17.30 Q/A: "Brave suffering - on heroism and trauma" - a talk with Anna Greszta
18.15 “Atlantis” - a film screening
Moderation of the talks by Aldona Kopkiewicz
A prize-winner at the Venice Film Festival and Ukraine's official selection for the 2021 Academy Awards, Atlantis is a gorgeous and visionary sci-fi drama. Eastern Ukraine, 2025. A desert unsuitable for human habitation. Water is a dear commodity brought by trucks. A Wall is being build-up on the border. Sergiy, a former soldier, is having trouble adapting to his new reality. He meets Katya while on the Black Tulip mission dedicated to exhuming the past. Together, they try to return to some sort of normal life in which they are also allowed to fall in love again.
17.30 Q/A: "Brave suffering - on heroism and trauma" - a talk with Anna Greszta
18.15 “Atlantis” - a film screening
Moderation of the talks by Aldona Kopkiewicz
A prize-winner at the Venice Film Festival and Ukraine's official selection for the 2021 Academy Awards, Atlantis is a gorgeous and visionary sci-fi drama. Eastern Ukraine, 2025. A desert unsuitable for human habitation. Water is a dear commodity brought by trucks. A Wall is being build-up on the border. Sergiy, a former soldier, is having trouble adapting to his new reality. He meets Katya while on the Black Tulip mission dedicated to exhuming the past. Together, they try to return to some sort of normal life in which they are also allowed to fall in love again.
"Instead of being numbingly dreary and depressing, given the economically depressed, horrifically polluted and landmine-strewn region, Atlantis is strangely upbeat, oddly hopeful even." - the Guardian
“Atlantis” is by far one of the bleakest films to come along in quite some time. Over the course of its 106 minutes, it touches on such subjects as PTSD, climate change, suicide, the dark side of capitalism, and the lingering traumas of war, without sugarcoating any of them. At the same time, it's an extremely well-made film that contains some truly extraordinary imagery." - RogerEbert.com